
martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014

Chapter ¿?

I dont know what chapter will be this one in the book, but right now I DONT MIND. Today is my birthday and I wish you were here like the last year, for me was one of the best months that I ever had because we made special every single day, and there are a lot of days in one months, that is not something easy. Im glad for know you now and not after because I can share more days like this one with you, together or in the distance, to get old at the same time and create new memories everytime we talk. Is the third birthday that we share and I feel I spend just a little part of all the life that we have yet (insallah). The good point of to be older is that you are more conscious of the time that you have, so you better know who you want to spend that time. This kind of friendship becomes immortal and makes time just a game that mix past, present and future. Ok, I forgot the point, im gonna reread the beginning of the text and remind what i wanted to said.

So evet, thank you for being in the world and more specifically in my world, with you on it is like Madrid, more fun and pink.

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